ECA Foundation

Woman and boyfriend happy

Eye Consultants of Atlanta Is Passionate About the Care We Provide to All of Our Patients.

We are dedicated to our community, as well as underserved people worldwide.
In 2012, our doctors established the Eye Consultants of Atlanta Foundation, a nonprofit organization, to preserve and improve vision.

Charitable Program:
Operation Saving Sight

Operation Saving Sight (OSS) is a new charitable program of Eye Consultants of Atlanta (ECA) and the Eye Consultants of Atlanta Foundation. OSS allows ECA surgeons and clinic professionals to contribute their time and skills to perform cataract eye surgeries at no cost for Georgians in need.

For people diagnosed with cataracts who are living at or below the poverty level, the medical attention they desperately need can be out of reach. OSS’s mission is to support and serve those individuals by delivering cost-free, sight-saving surgery.

OSS adheres to the following application guidelines to ensure that the greatest community needs are being met:

  • The income of applicants must fall within the current year’s U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services federal poverty guidelines.
  • Applicants must not have health insurance and may not be enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid.
  • Those applying need to be previously diagnosed and in need of cataract surgery.
  • To be considered, a financial screening application with documentation must be submitted.
  • This is a needs-based program that operates on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • There are a limited number of spots, so you shouldn’t wait to contact us.

While cataracts are the most common condition treated through this program, other surgically treatable eye conditions may be eligible as well. If you would like to be considered for participation in OSS, fill out our application form. Completed applications can be emailed to, faxed to 404-591-2993 or mailed to:

Eye Consultants of Atlanta
Attn: Hollie Smith
3225 Cumberland Blvd SE
Suite 900
Atlanta, GA 30339

Our Foundation’s Mission

The Eye Consultants of Atlanta Foundation will also achieve its mission through teaching, research, community outreach, and care for vulnerable and less fortunate populations. We are building on and expanding our current activities including:

  • Indigent care
  • Medical missions
  • Serving on the boards of local charitable organizations
  • Participating in national collaborative research studies
  • Publishing original research papers
  • Subspecialty training of post graduate physicians

The Foundation hopes to grow these programs with the generous support of individuals like you and our current eyecare partners so that we can fulfill our mission.

We Would Like to Thank the Following Companies for Their Contribution to OSS

  • Alcon Surgical
  • Abbott Medical Optics
  • Alcon Pharmaceutical
  • D.O.R.C. International
  • Microsurgical Technology
  • Imprimis Pharmaceuticals
  • Bausch + Lomb Pharmaceutical