Get To Know Dr. Brian Long
Watch Dr. Long’s brief video bio, and see what inspires him!
Top 5 Tips to Prevent Vision Loss from Diabetes
In observance of American Diabetes Month this November, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) is reminding the 25.8 million people across the United States living with diabetes of the key steps they should take to prevent vision loss.
Halloween Hazard: The Dangers of Decorative Contact Lenses
To safely wear costume contact lenses for Halloween (or any time of year), be sure to follow these guidelines:
Ask the Expert: “Will Lowering Cholesterol Cause Cataracts?”
Question: “I read that taking statins might increase the risk of cataracts. Is this true?
It Can Happen in the Blink of an Eye
Eye injuries can happen, well, in the blink of an eye! That’s why it’s so important to protect them.
What Parents Need to Know about Pink Eye
Do you know what to do if your child comes home with pink eye?
Cataract Myths Debunked
August is officially Cataract Awareness Month – a perfect time to “clear up
Are You a Candidate for Premium IOLs?
If you need to have a cataract removed, did you know that you can simultaneously correct your astigmatism AND improve your near, intermediate and distance vision?
Atlanta Top Doctors
If you need to have a cataract removed, did you know that you can simultaneously correct your astigmatism AND improve your near, intermediate and distance vision?
J. Michael Roach M.D. Honored by the Center for the Visually Impaired
Congratulations to ECA ophthalmologist J. Michael Roach, M.D., recipient of the Center for the Visually Impaired (CVI)’s inaugural Beacon Award which was presented last month at CVI’s 10th Annual True Blue Do fundraising event.
Do You Protect Your Eyes From UV Radiation? Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Don’t!
Despite the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation (UV) to eyes and vision, 40 percent of U.S. adults do not wear sunglasses while outdoors, and nearly half of drivers do not protect their eyes on the road. Unprotected exposure to the sun increases risk for serious vision problems like cataracts, abnormal eye growths, cancer of the eye and surrounding skin, and macular degeneration.
A Closer Look: Dr. Tom Harbin’s Trip to Antarctica
Dr. Tom Harbin shares stunning photos from his trip to the Antarctic Peninsula.
Ease Itchy Eyes This Allergy Season
Spring has sprung (and so has the pollen)! Before you know it, a light yellow dust will be covering everything and anything that’s outside. Spring in Atlanta is absolutely gorgeous, but for allergy sufferers, burning, red eyes can ruin their enjoyment of the beauty that abounds.
Eye Care Mistakes: Five Things We Think We Know About Our Vision
Old wives tales and misinformation online can create a lot of confusion, especially concerning health care. When it comes to eye health, it’s important to know the facts so you can protect your vision. Here are five common misconceptions about eye health:
Does Taking Aspirin Raise Your Risk of AMD?
People who take aspirin for health reasons and are also concerned about age-related macular degeneration (AMD) may be worried about news reports on three recent studies. What should you think?