Causes and Treatments For Pressure Behind Your Eye Pressure behind the eye can be an uncomfortable and worrisome situation. However, eye pressure is a common side effect of many conditions and is usually very easy to treat. Several conditions can result in pressure...
Narrow Angle Glaucoma Facts A narrow angle glaucoma diagnosis can be scary. Although it can be very serious, narrow angle glaucoma can also be quite manageable with proper identification and treatment. What Is Narrow Angle Glaucoma? Narrow angle glaucoma (also known...
Nearsighted vs. Farsighted What Does It Mean to be Nearsighted vs. Farsighted? People who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses are familiar with the terms that describe their vision, and two of the most common are nearsighted and farsighted. You may know what these words...
How the Sun Affects Your Eyes You may be aware of the harmful effects of the sun on your skin, such as sunburn, premature aging and an increased risk of cancer. However, did you know that spending too much time in the sun also increases your risk of developing some...
5 Surprising Facts About Color Blindness People may think of color blindness as an oddity that has little effect on the general population. Surprisingly, the condition affects 8% of men and 0.5% of women. If you don’t want to do the math, that means 1 in 200...
3 Top-Rated iOS Braille Apps for Those With Vision Loss Do you have a loved one living with diminishing eyesight? Or do you work in a care home and yearn to share intriguing digital information with those in your charge? Thanks to entrepreneurs and developers within...