Ease Itchy Eyes This Allergy Season

Ease Itchy Eyes This Allergy Season

Ease Itchy Eyes This Allergy Season If you suffer from allergy symptoms, here are five ways to alleviate your itchy eyes: 1. Avoid Allergens: Sensitivity to different allergens differs from person to person. If pollen triggers your allergies, avoid going outside when...
Ease Itchy Eyes This Allergy Season

Does Taking Aspirin Raise Your Risk of AMD?

Does Taking Aspirin Raise Your Risk of AMD? People who take aspirin for health reasons and are also concerned about age-related macular degeneration (AMD) may be worried about news reports from three recent studies. All three found that people who take aspirin...
Ease Itchy Eyes This Allergy Season

Do You Know What These Symptoms Might Mean?

Do You Know What These Symptoms Might Mean? Do you know what these symptoms might mean? – Straight lines, such as a telephone pole or door frame, may appear wavy – A dark or empty spot may block the center of vision – Written words or type may appear...
Ease Itchy Eyes This Allergy Season

A Healthy New Year Resolution for your Eyes

A Healthy New Year Resolution for Your Eyes Each New Year, people resolve to make changes that will result in longer, happier and healthier lives. Some are determined to lose weight while others are committed to kicking unhealthy habits. This year, we would like to...
A Closer Look: Dr. Barry Lee

A Closer Look: Dr. Barry Lee

A Closer Look: Dr. Barry Lee This fall, ECA corneal specialist Dr. Barry Lee lectured at the European Cornea Society annual meeting held in conjunction with the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery annual meeting in Milan, Italy. Dr. Lee took some time...